Pure Fitness 及 Pure Yoga 引入Lexuma XGerm 手機紫外光消毒盒

作者Lexuma Admin 0條評論

健身前後均可使用 Lexuma XGerm紫外光消毒盒消滅你手機上的病菌了!Pure Fitness 及 Pure Yoga Hong Kong 提供XGerm予會員使用,全方位保障會員健康。

現在你可以在 Pure Fitness 及 Pure Yoga Hong Kong 使用 Lexuma XGerm 紫外光消毒器!Pure Fitness 及 Pure Yoga 在每個更衣室以及公共休息設置了 XGerm 讓會員使用,在等待健身前或結束健身後,不妨將電話、耳機、會員卡等放進 XGerm進行約10分鐘的消毒。XGerm 使用紫外光殺滅電話上的病菌,保護你的健康!只需要10分鐘,你的電話便完成消毒,十分方便快捷!


Lexuma News XGerm Phone UV Sanitizer in Pure Fitness Hong Kong disinfect your phone disinfectant phone cleaner sterilizer changing room 健身中心 紫外光消毒盒子 Lexuma News XGerm Phone UV Sanitizer in Pure Fitness Hong Kong disinfect your phone disinfectant phone cleaner sterilizer lounge 辣數碼 紫外光消毒器 健身中心 運動


在新冠肺炎的肆虐下,Pure Fitness 及 Pure Yoga Hong Kong亦采取不同的防疫措施,確保會員的安全。除了在更衣室等公共位置放置Lexuma紫外光消毒器讓你消毒個人物件外,他們會定期在每一處地方噴灑消毒劑殺滅病菌,並於接待處設立非接觸式酒精噴霧機讓你消毒雙手。此外,他們還會提供消毒用品用作消毒健身儀器,確保不會交叉感染。


Lexuma News XGerm Phone UV Sanitizer in Pure Fitness Hong Kong disinfect your phone disinfectant phone cleaner sterilizer lounge 健身中心 紫外光消毒盒子 Lexuma News XGerm Phone UV Sanitizer in Pure Fitness Hong Kong disinfect your phone disinfectant phone cleaner sterilizer lounge white 健身中心 紫外光消毒盒子

點擊這裏了解更多Pure Fitness的防疫措施

點擊這裏了解更多Pure Yoga的防疫措施


Lexuma News XGerm Phone UV Sanitizer in Pure Fitness Hong Kong disinfect your phone disinfectant phone cleaner sterilizer public area 健身中心 消毒 殺菌 紫外光消毒盒子


Pure Fitness 及 Pure Yoga Hong Kong 在港九多處共有20多間分店,喜歡健身的你,不妨嘗試一次他們的服務!

Lexuma News XGerm Phone UV Sanitizer in Pure Fitness Hong Kong disinfect your phone disinfectant phone cleaner sterilizer public area center location 健身中心 消毒 殺菌 紫外光消毒盒子 分店地址

了解更多 <XGerm>


Lexuma XGerm UV Phone Sanitizer is now available for usage in Pure Fitness and Pure Yoga Hong Kong. You can disinfect your phone with XGerm in the changing room and the lounge area. There are 2 phone UV sterilizers at each changing room and 8 sterilizers in the lounge area. When you finished your workout or waiting for your yoga class, just put your phone into the UV sterilizers before you go. You can disinfect your phone or other personal items such as earphones, cardholders, locker keys, etc. in 10 minutes. 


There are the big ultraviolet lamps glowing from the sides of the sanitizer, most of the common household germs can be killed instantly in 10 minutes. You don't need to find any alcohol disinfectant for cleaning your phone. Just put your phone in XGerm and wait. It is convenient and saves your time. 


Pure Fitness and Pure Yoga Hong Kong has over 20 centres in Hong Kong which you can find them easily. In order to protect their members and guests, they have enhanced their safety and hygiene measurements. Besides providing Lexuma XGerm Multi-functional UV Sanitizer in the changing rooms and lounge area for disinfecting your personal items, they also implement the FDA / EPA safety-proofed sterilising misting machines in all Pure locations that effectively kill bacteria, fungi and viruses. There is an additional cleaning station (hand sanitiser and disinfectant solution) for wiping gym equipment after use. There is a touch-free hand sanitising station at reception. They provide the best environment for your workout.


Click here and know more about the hygiene measurements done by Pure Fitness.


Click here and know more about the hygiene measurements done by Pure Yoga.


Try the Phone UV Sterilizer when you go workout at Pure Fitness! Keep your phone clean and stay healthy!


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